Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2/1/11 - Principle of the Day - "Service"

Today's principle is "Service". "Today I ask the Divine to use me. Use my mind, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my feet, my being and this give of life to SERVE those in need. Use me as an instrument of peace, a tool of strength and a vessel of patience and healing and love that I may SERVE those in need." *One Day My Soul Just Opened Up"......

Monday, January 31, 2011

1/31/11 - Principle of the Day - "Forgiveness"

Today's principle is "Forgiveness". "Forgiveness frees ME. Whe I can't move beyond memories of what someone has done & those memories keep me hurt, angry or limited, it's time to forgive. Whe the only think I can remember about someone is what they did to me, it's time to forgive. People make mistakes, I will practice Forgiveness." *One Day My Soul Just Opened Up....

Friday, January 28, 2011

1/28/11 - Principle of the Day - "Nonjudgment"

Today's principle "Nonjudgment". "There is no right or wrong, there is just what is. People do what they do based on their feelings and beliefs, which are not right or wrong. When I do not understand what I am looking at, I must not judge what I see. I judge others by judgments I made of myself. Judgment closes the mind and heart to new levels of understanding. No matter what it looks like, "GOD" got it.".... "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up".....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/27/11 Principle of the Day - "Closure"

Today's principle is "Closure". "Let me remember... People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Closure begins by telling the truth about what I feel. I am entitled to honor what I feel. When one door closes, another door opens. Whatever I repress will become stress... *"One Day My Soul Just Opened Up"...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/26/11 Principle of the day - Compassion

Today's principle is "Compassion". "I am powerful enough to give what I have w/o losing anything. I am one w/ everything & everyone. Support+Comfort+Nourishment=Compassion. In my Compassion for you I am strengthening myself. Everyone has the power to heal themselves...*"One Day My Soul Just Opened Up"...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/21/11 Principle of the Day - "Fun"

1/21/11's principle of the day was "Fun"... Yup "FUN" (I believe...) ""GOD" is happy when I am happy. Life is a game that is meant to be FUN. there is always time for having FUN. FUN is the demonstration of the belief in joy. Today is a FUN day. Find something FUN to do and do it!!!!..... *"One Day My Soul Just Opened Up".....

1/24/11 - Principle of the Day - "Surrender"

"Surrender" When I Surrender to the struggle of that which I fear, that I am ashamed of, that I am angry about, that I resent or that which I am unsuccessfully trying to control, the Surrender puts me in a space inwhich I am able to see and react in a more positive manner... *Trinity.....

Principle of the Day - Boundaries

Today's principle is "Boundaries". "Boundaries allow me to take care of myself. Boundaries enable others to take care of themselves. Boundaries create the freedom of choice. To give, share or suppor need not mean taking care of. I can say no and still give love and support. Boundaries keep me in my divine, right space."..... * "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up".....