Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Have Enough

For the last couple of days (and I do mean the last couple of days, I started out the holiday season with a really positive state of mind), however, as the holiday grow nearer, I have been questioning if I have enough, have done enough or need to do more regarding the holiday season... I had feelings because I didn't get my kids as much as I usually do, I had feelings about the gifts I was giving out having the same value/worth as the gifts that were given to me and about people giving me a gift and I didn't give them one in return... I also went back and forth with the limited cash on hand that I had, trying to make decisions between finishing gift buying and buying food and other necessities.... I know that "$ comes easily and frequently" so I wasn't really concerned about my food and necessities... LOL... *wink*... They seemed less important in this time for giving (I soooooo love this season)... Anyway, this morning, I was contemplating getting my soy chai latte.... I then decided, it's one of my little pleasures, so I went to Starbucks to get it (regardless of my financial circumstance).... As I was leaving, a lady asked me to buy her a coffee.... Now in my head, I was thinking, awwwwww man, I only have........ And then, before I could finish that thought, I thought, "I have ENOUGH to get her coffee"... As we were standing in line, she went from requesting a medium cup of coffee, to requesting a large cup of coffee and I chuckled inside, as we (she and I, since were all in this together) had ENOUGH to get her a large cup of coffee like she requested... I thought about just handing the money to the cashier who knows me, however, I decided to spend a couple of moments with this lady who made me remember that the Universe will always provide our needs and there is more than ENOUGH to share.... We stood in line making small talk and I left there feeling really emotional (eyes still tearing)... She may have thought, I was put in her path for her, however, I know she was put in my path for me.... Happy Holidays....

Principle of the day "Prayer

Today's principle is "Prayer".. I have in the past, because of dogma, prayed to an entity I believed to be outside of me.. I did this because I saw others do it.. And although I and the others said "GOD" lived within us, we stilled called/prayed to something else where.. Today I know "GOD" dwells within me and when I pray, I align my mind, body and spirit with a power that I already have.. Hey, "The CREATOR" is so smart!!!!!!.... Have an AWESOME day guys!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Starts and Pet Peeves

Hey guys!!!!!!!... It's me!!!!!!!.... Feels like I'm having a new start of some sort.... I love new starts.... I started doing a journal again recently (especially since my new internal alarm clock wakes me up at 4:00 a.m..... (O_O)..... LOL.... Sn. Just realized I have another pet peeve... People who are freaking out about people not saying Merry Christmas (but instead) saying Happy Holidays or some other heart felt greeting.... And sadly enough, these are probably people who aren't tryna live nothing like Jesus tried to live (you know not passing judgment and all *one eyebrow up*)… I think Jesus might be a lil more concerned about how we behave daily, rather than what we say on the date of his birth… Just my opinion… I'm entitled… *wink*....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day One

Hey guys!!!!!!!.... I decided to start doing this blog as a way to do journaling and to share parts of me with the world... Okay, with whoever reads this.... LOL....